Well, it is the start of the first weekend after defending. How was the defense? It was utterly fun. How often can you squash 5 brilliant minds in one room and have them talk about your work? How often can you debate with them and have them listen to your thoughts on things? How often can you hear them agree or even disagree with you in the most honest sense of it all? I would wish this on anybody who dares to try.
No one knows it all. But the defense is about stating what you know, and what you know you don't know. It is about being honest, and seeking truth. If what you find is real, it will bear itself. If what you think is true, you will find it. Sound familiar?
After the defense, we all went to Jim Gould's to have dinner. And it was, how shall I put it, fun! I think I felt it, that warmth of accomplishment. So that food tastes better. Sweetness has a fragrance, salt floods with depth, sour comes with juiciness, and bitter? There is no bitter.
Soon after, we watched an amazing movie - Inglorious Basterds! What a choice right? Brad Pitt was brilliant. Incidentally, Brangelina was in my defense.
The next day, I cleaned up the mess that was my apartment. It felt good to exert mindless sweat. The day after, we watched Mamma Mia. Tomorrow, BBQ!
That's what PhD is about, what happens before and after.
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