Showing posts with label Places in Chicago. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Places in Chicago. Show all posts

Monday, August 02, 2010

Goodbye Champaign, IL.

This is for all my friends past and present in Champaign-Urbana, IL. And this is difficult.

It is difficult to say goodbye to you. It means I cannot see you as often as I like. It means that our paths will go separate ways. It means that all the things we've experienced together in the past will be faint memories and I cannot touch them.

This has been and always will be my home. For here is where I have left a part of my heart. That part will very soon split into a hundred pieces, and each go their own way to various parts of the earth. Is this not the most painful thing in the world?

Till we meet again.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nobody Mourns the Wicked

Nothing is at it seems, once a story is told. We hear about the wonderful wizard of Oz, but why is he so wonderful? Follow the story of Elphaba, by musical or by book. Either way, you'll see things have a 'wicked' way of unfolding.

What a wonderful modern musical...and she flies! Wow. On a broomstick! Double-wow. Bam! And most of all, she's green! Definitely, if you can get tickets, you should watch this fantastic display, if only for an evening of wonder and great story-telling, with the most colorful of characters. We got in for $37 :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Charlene Sees/Hears Dinosaurs...NOOOOOO!

Mother says: Would you like to go on the choo choo train?
Child replies: Noooooo!

We went to the Chicago Botanic Garden with Nina, Rich, and Atsunobu. Flower after flower, scene after scene, the colors, touch, smell all filled our senses. Simply put, it was a very happy time. It is quite amazing how the simple delicate things can reach deep down.

Now, the serious business though. While I was taking a scenic shot. Someone amidst our group saw or heard something quite phenomenal. I wonder if we should report this to the Paleontological society? is what I mean:

You can check out photos of our Chicago Botanic Garden trip, with all the flowers in their glory by going to my Shutterfly Collection, or by going to The Daily Josh.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007: E-Poem

It was time.
Time to do anything
Anything but work.
This Thanksgiving break
We headed to Starved Rock.

We forded the streams
We conquered our fear
We reach to the top.

We even ourselves "caught" a deer.

A few days later,
we were out again,
this time it was noisy
But all the same
We were happy

We were out late
Late into the night,
And that's when it all started
We began to see some lights.

After which, we went in
for turkey and a din.
Prepared by Nina
Nina and Mr Lin.

The feast was a great
It was a fantastic
It filled our stomachs
We were almost ballistic

After all is eaten and said
All is said and done
We each one of us
Noticed it was fun

So for each and every year
Once a time
Time and again
We remember to be thankful
To be sober
and sane.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

HBM Conference 2007 Chicago

Went to Human Brain Mapping Conference last week. Stayed at Sheraton Hotel. We ate at several places during that time, so hungry...because always using brain, so all the sugar used up. But it was fun. First night we arrived, there were fireworks and the Blues Fest was on in Grant Park. Anyway, no photos because too busy working. Check out what was cool at the conference [click here].

Here are the eatery reviews:
Happy Chef Chinatown
Always my standard place to eat...we had dim sum there, although usually for dinner, you can do a set meal for very cheap (works out usually to be ~$8), and it comes with free lobster or crab.

Japanese sushi place. Not bad...but probably Sai Cafe is better but more expensive. Anyway, its one of those modern sushi places. There's two outlets, one on Grand, and one one Michigan. Average cost ~$20-$30, depending on what you order.

Dao Thai Restaurant
Good food and cheap prices (~$6). Has some pretty authentic Thai dishes, and the restaurant has nice Thai looking decor where you sit on floors with wells in them so that you are the same height as the table...get it?

Gino's East
Took a while to get our pizzas, but that's because they were making it fresh, as any good pizza should be. The pizza is pretty good. Nice and thick. We had a mix of supremo and vege. The sauce was not too sweet or rich, so its good. ~$15. Giordano's near the Water Tower still has my vote.

John Hancock, the Signature Room on 95th Floor

What would a trip to downtown Chicago be without a brunch at the Signature Room? $20. Best view with food combination. Menu changes. Brunch is from 11.30am to 2.30pm. This is the same view you get as when you go to the observatory, for which you must pay ~$15. So go do the math...

Andy's Jazz Pub
In my opinion, this is the heart of Chicago, and the most worthwhile place to hang out for good music. Don't come here to have deep conversation. Come here to listen to the depths of music. Cover $5-$20. Drinks are decent, not too wide ranged, but enough, serves dinner too. Historically, several notable musicians have jammed here. I like the way you can sit right in front of the band, and also the jam nights...informal, naughty, crazy, eclectic, and it all gets into your ears. Trumpets, guitars, drums, piano, bass, the whole shebang.

House of Blues
Significant venue where many musicians have performed including Louis Armstrong. Its a theatre set up inside. Cover is more expensive, concert based. You'll have to check online to get tickets in advance. Serves food. I think its worthwhile to visit once.

Red Fish
Cajun style. Food is pretty good. ~$20. They have a live band. Plays rock.

Some Tapas bar somewhere...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Chicago Jazz Festival 2006

Chicago Jazz! (movie clip) Very fun. Got music, got beer, got sit on the chao in the windy city. Is good. Some more best! Is FREE! They very crazy one. One time got two jazz organ ah, they play lai play ki. Plus they got showmanship. Not say I say what lah, but they damn good lor. Can go must go. Don't go you lugi.