Thursday, February 15, 2007

Post Blizzard Desert

So, let's start from the very beginning. It was a dark and stormy day. The wind was blowing at about 40 mph, snow was beating down of the roofs. Schools were closed, the University was closed. The University! That which has never closed in 30 years finally fell prey to yukimon! Everyone stayed at home and peered their eyes out the window to see whiteness falling and falling, growing, wafting, blowing, twisting, and they sipped their hot chocolates and tea.

The next morning brought better news. Sunlight. Something we haven't seen in a day. In all its glory. But it shines through the aftermath, through my kitchen window. Yet, the warmth is welcome as I have my coffee.

Of to the lab then! Stepping out, we are greeted with what appears to be last nights deposits. People will have to dig their way out of this one.

And yes, its about a foot of snow, but in some places it comes up to your waist. That's me in the middle, see where the snow stops. There's another view.

Onward still! Charlene's feet are in a foot. The cars are all under, and I had to dig my car out of its icy prison.

Finally, we arrive at the Beckman again, it is still standing. This monolith, impervious to yukimon. Impervious I say.

So coming into the Beckman, we hang around and work a little, then we go for coffee. Here are some shots taken while on coffee break. And then eventually head back for the classic approaching Beckman shot again.

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