"On the third day... Cana of Galilee..."
The actual location of Cana is not certain, however, we do know that it is situated somewhere around Galilee. Possibly a few kilometers north of Nazereth, Jesus' hometown. Cana is also Nathanael's hometown (John 21:2). In any case, Jesus, His disciples and Mary, His mother, were guests at this wedding, so they must have been at least acquaintences with the wedding party. This event happened the day after Jesus met Philip and Nathanael. So they had made the trip since then.
This is the first miracle sign in John's gospel revealing the divinity of the Christ. The exchange is interesting, almost telling of the relationship between Jesus and Mary as one in which the mother is conversing with her Lord, both familiar and at the same time not. The miracle itself was not made public during the wedding, and unlike other miracles, it was not about healing or a demonstration of authority of nature. Rather, it was simply about providing wine to a party that had run out of it. But this description is still included as a sign that manifested His glory, and that led to belief in the disciples. Perhaps this is related to what Jesus told Nathanael the day before since he is from Cana? Nevertheless, this sign serves as a buttress to testimonials of the identity of Christ.
We are not told what the significance of the six waterpots of stone according to purification manner means. However, John the author states this for the purpose of informing his non-Jewish readers.
Following this wedding, Jesus and His troupe went to Capernaum, a city by the north-west coast of the Sea of Galilee. Interestingly, this was the city of Peter, James, and Andrew (see other gospels), rather than Bethsaida. However, it could be that they moved from place to place around the coast, as these cities were quite close to each other along the northern coast of the sea. Capernaum was the center of Jesus' ministry subsequently, but later on, they rejected Him and He uttered a curse on the city. Note that this city was cursed later, despite the miracle that was done. Consider this for yourself, how quick we are to blind ourselves to what God does right before our eyes.
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