Friday, May 15, 2009

Cognitive abilities in kindergartners and first graders: A comparison, evaluation, and extension of models using data from Robinson et al. (1996)

Paper submitted for final in structural equation modeling class, Spring 2009, UIUC Psychology. This paper is a critique of Robinson et al.'s (1996) paper on "The structure of abilities in math-precocious young children: Gender similarities and differences", published in the Journal of Educational Psychology (Vol. 88, Iss. 2, p341-352). This current paper, though, focuses on the age differences in abilities of kindergartners and first graders.

It is known that very young children show less differentiated cognitive abilities. Children who perform well in tests such as those involving math, tend to have correlated performance in other tests such as in verbal tests. As children age and progress towards adolescence, however, their cognitive abilities becomes differentiated so that abilities such as math and verbal abilities are not necessarily equally developed in the child.

Presumably, this occurs because when children are very young, they are untrained and unaffected by external factors such as education and related experiences (e.g. streaming into majors). Thus, the best predictor of the child's performance is the individual difference or a general factor. With age, the child undergoes specialization where children start to develop more specific knowledge in selective domains. Some children become more trained at math, while others at language. Importantly, these abilities aren't always equally developed. This may be the underlying reason for differentiated abilities in older children.

This current paper is a methodological exploration of the data in Robinson et al. (1996) using various modifications of the basic structural equation model. The main results are consistent with differentiated abilities in first graders relative to kindergartners. Some discrepancies in Robinson et al.'s (1996) paper are noted as well.

[Download pdf of paper]

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