Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Learning to move machines with the mind

Learning to move machines with the mind: "Publication year: 2010
Source: Trends in Neurosciences, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 20 December 2010
Andrea M., Green , John F., Kalaska
Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) extract signals from neural activity to control remote devices ranging from computer cursors to limb-like robots. They show great potential to help patients with severe motor deficits perform everyday tasks without the constant assistance of caregivers. Understanding the neural mechanisms by which subjects use BCI systems could lead to improved designs and provide unique insights into normal motor control and skill acquisition. However, reports vary considerably about how much training is required to use a BCI system, the degree to which performance improves with practice and the underlying neural mechanisms. This review examines these diverse findings, their..."

Friday, December 17, 2010

HDB's first eco-precinct

HDB's first eco-precinct: "SINGAPORE: Singapore's public housing has gone green."

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Doctors may have found HIV cure

Doctors may have found HIV cure: "WASHINGTON: An American man is still HIV-free more than three years after receiving a stem cell transplant, suggesting the first-ever cure of the virus that causes AIDS, German doctors said Wednesday."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ageing study to be done in 3 phases

Great news! Something practical at least...

Ageing study to be done in 3 phases: "SINGAPORE : The five-year study in Marine Parade on ageing, announced by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong on Sunday, will be carried out in three phases."

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Singapore's salad days are over

Posting in Nature about Singapore's research funding system.
Perhaps one should not blame a country, but bite down and realize that to produce something, one needs to work hard...
But at the same time, the need for and nature of freedom in research is poorly understood in most government and industrial organization, in my opinion.

Singapore's salad days are over

Singapore's salad days are over

Nature 468, 7325 (2010). doi:10.1038/468731a

Uncertainty has replaced confidence as economic reality bites science in the city-state and scientists find that their research funds now come with strings attached.