After all the arguments, the thinking, the theorizing, it probably only comes down to this: its either a 1 or a 0. The question is no longer whether its a 1 or 0, really. It has to be either one or the other, there is no middle ground. There is no 0.5. Because that would still be a 1. So, the real question, I think, should be: Who decides whether it is a 1 or a 0? Do we decide? Or does something else decides it?
After all our reasoning, we come to this point. Who is in charge? Us or Something Else? If we are in charge, can we be saved? Do we need to be saved? How can we be sure we don't? Can we ever save ourselves? Or in the end, do we realize that only Something Else can save us? In that case, are we really still in charge? Should we still live as if we are?