Sunday, December 10, 2006

Winter comment

Acherly hor, this winter so far very the wimpy lah. Snow little little, then no more already. But then is a bit the cold lor. Like that how can!?!? Then cold for what? You want to cold, then you must snow, if not then just hot lah. Waste the cold. Anyway, maybe I speak too soon lah. Maybe suddenly the snow will all lau chut lai. So no pic or movie today. Because, nothing to see!


  1. Ooh... I love snow!!!
    I missed the cold weather... it's nice, can wear nice coats. Unlike Singapore's weather, it's unpredictable! One moment rain and then next sunny. How are you? Where's your food receipe?

  2. The recipes are now I've got a claypot...claypot recipes will be featured soon.
