Love does not care about distance,
It does not care about time.
Love does not care about if you are good,
Or bad,
It does not care if you are dead,
Or alive.
If you are real,
Or imaginary.
It only cares to be in the same dimension as you.
If not,
It will do all things to bring you to it,
Or it will move to you.
If it cannot,
It will create new dimensions.
The greatest of these is love.
Friday, December 22, 2023
Thursday, November 09, 2023
Cycling through thoughts
We seek to maximize our minimizational (maximinal). This has individual differences. Those who's maximinal is small essentially prefer low stimulation, or boredom. Those who's maximinal is big prefer stimulation, or excitement.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Wednesday August 31 2022: Phases of learning
About neural learning, neural systems should have different phases of learning. I would argue that the first phase has to be one where the energy (or information, or prediction error) imposes itself onto the energy state of the neural system. At this point, the neural system's encoding of this novel information is still only in terms of thermodynamics or flows of the received energy. We might observe this in the form of the neural system's post-synaptic potential and axonal spike activity. It is critical to note that changes in activity are by definition a dynamic concept. Thus, the information is not encoded in one static activity state. Rather, the complete information packet as it were must be represented by a window of dynamic activity fluctuations. Sustaining such a non-homeostatic state of activity is untenable in the long run. Therefore, this dynamic activity must be resolved in the neural system's architecture. Here, the novel information graduates from thermodynamics to physical structures. We might observe short- or long-term potentiation or depression, directed shaping of short and long-range connections characteristic of pruning and neural development. All these consume energy, and likely in a way that reflects the dynamic activity that is the packet of information received.
A necessary question is then what sort of information is received, and what sort of information is bypassed by neural systems. This consideration stems from the fact that the neural system cannot possibly encode all encountered fluctuations of energy in the environment. I would argue that the information received and not bypassed might be construed as information that is meaningful to the system. By meaningful, I mean that the information is auto-encoded or auto-regressive. That is, meaningful information is information that sufficiently maximizes the match between the prior state and the information.
Here, we can then formulate the problem as one in which there exists a prior state, novel information, and the posterior state which is the cross product of the two.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Engines in the brain
Motor actuation works via a pulse transferred to momentum force that is smeared over time. Efficient motors have a significant proportion of this smeared force extending the influence of the pulse by having a large part of the momentum dynamically adding to subsequent pulses. A dampening sine. A collection of dampening sines. A fractal collection of dampening sines.
The driver? Temperature and its local fluctuations establishing sufficient gradient crossings for stability. If entropy has increased for all temperatures, what happens?
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Friday, May 20, 2022
Nuclear tug of war
If you constrain the environment around an object such that the constraints threaten the object's integrity, the object (if it is to maintain its integrity) will find the path of least resistance to create an alternative route out of the constraints that will maintain its integrity. This is a tug-of-war of the nuclear forces. This involves the creation of dimensions in spactime.
Monday, December 21, 2015
The evolution of humans
Monday, January 28, 2013
2 Science Projects to Receive Billion-Euro Award

Wednesday, January 02, 2013
Studies Suggest Potential Approaches for Early Detection of Alzheimer Disease
Monday, December 03, 2012
New brain gene gives us edge over apes, study suggests
Running too far, too fast, and too long speeds progress 'to finish line of life'
[Report] A Large-Scale Model of the Functioning Brain
Authors: Chris Eliasmith, Terrence C. Stewart, Xuan Choo, Trevor Bekolay, Travis DeWolf, Charlie Tang, Daniel Rasmussen
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Cultivator of Brain Parts
Yoshiki Sasai is not just an ordinary tissue engineer who tries to coax stem cells to grow into fully formed bodily structures. It is true that Sasai has made his mark by taking on big projects like using stem cells to whip up a retina, cortical tissue and the cerebellum, involved with balance and movement. But his research has gone deeper by delving into the way stem cells organize themselves into complex structures under the influence of genes and the prenatal environment. Read a profile of Sasai here to accompany “ Grow Your Own Eye ,” Sasai’s own account of growing a retina in the November Scientific American .
Monday, September 24, 2012
Efficient use of brain space makes the intelligent person
Monday, August 20, 2012
I may have bad memory, but I make good decisions.
This is at once a threat to our existence. Loss of important information acquired in the past might cost us a bad choice. Effectively, we might make uninformed choices.
Here's sprinkling more salt on the wound. Losing information is one thing, but having our tuning for what's good or bad for us messed with, now that's something warranting some learned helplessness. At least if we forget, we can Google it now. But if we can't distinguish what's good or bad for us, even if it's staring us in the face, right under our noses, then Googling the most relevant hits will do us no good, pun intended.
So, how do we keep our senses tuned?
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Yellowstone 2012: Day 1
Today's thoughts included:
1. Tim Minchin's Storm is something I contend with.
2. Higgs-Boson particle.
3. Dang it Apple! -- you stole my eye-glass computer screen idea, and you'll probably make it work too, I so love/hate you.
4. Pho.
5. Classes to teach.
6. Grants to write.
7. Research projects to do.
8. Lumix GX1 wins.
9. The Snow Leopard has not yet appeared at our door.
10. DK is cool, but he does go on.
11. ...
You can hardly tell that in 4 hours, we're leaving for Yellowstone.
What I need is a butler.
Yay to vacations, yay to getting back to reality.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Selling our Cars
We travel on with our gear, leaving some stuff, bring some stuff.
Yet we are still the same, having been changed.
The light behind grows dim, the light ahead is blinding.
We only see where our feet will tread.
Where are those who accuse you?
I see no one.